Does NIS2 apply to your organisation?
Take our free NIS2 Applicability Assessment and find out if your organisation should comply with the NIS2 regulation or not.

What is the NIS2 scope?
The NIS2 Directive broadens its reach to include organizations from critical and important sectors such as energy, healthcare, transportation, and digital infrastructure. If your organization operates in these sectors or supports essential services within the EU, you may be required to comply. However, understanding the specifics of applicability can be challenging without expert guidance.
Take our free NIS2 Applicability Assessments
Not sure if NIS2 applies to you? Our free assessment tool is here to help. In just a few minutes, you’ll gain valuable insights to better understand whether your organization might fall within the Directive’s scope.

Why take the assessment?
Quick and easy
Answer a few targeted questions and get immediate results.
Expert insights
Understand your obligations under the NIS2 Directive.
Be Proactive
Avoid penalties and ensure your organisation is prepared.
Who should take the assessment?
When it comes to the sectors that NIS2 applies to, there is a distinction between ‘High-Critical’ sectors and ‘Other Critical’ sectors. Below, you’ll find some of the High-Critical sectors, yet there are more. Check the full list on our NIS2 page, or complete our free assessment.
Financial services
Digital infrastructure
Public administration

Krijg gedetailleerde inzichten en begeleiding over NIS2 door ons eBook te downloaden
Onze whitepaper biedt een duidelijke, beknopte en toepasbare gids om NIS 2 te begrijpen, de mogelijke impact ervan op u en uw organisatie, en de essentiële stappen die u moet nemen om u voor te bereiden.
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